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Presentación de fan 2 Yaoi

Je suis une super fan de Yaoi, et sur cette page je vous partage les meilleurs DA et Tumblr de Yaoi que j'ai trouvé ! Peace & Yaoiiiii ♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ !!! Attention je ne suis pas la dessinatrice, je ne fais que partager !

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Comentarios: 5
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Nivel: 1, Siguiente nivel en 34 xp
Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 16
Puntos de Traductor: 4



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Blog de fan 2 Yaoi

page 31

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page 39,
did anyone notice the women in the window?

pages 31 - 39 - Priapus 3

by Mentaiko (RAW)

De yummy-yaoi - Post original



Blaine’s guilty pleasure. 8} And the advantages of having a stripper for a best friend. (Sam’s shorts are golden when I color this btw. If people can remember that episode. ;] )


De yummy-yaoi - Post original


monkeymaruko :
What kind of non yaoi anime you watch ?


atm Kyoukai no Kanata, Shingeki no Kyojin and The Legend of Korra

waiting for the next seasons

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


Yaoi's 2013 Summary of Art

So yeah I made one this year too :iconmhmmmplz: It was a productive year, like always, and same as always my improvement is pretty much slow LOL but there is some, even if it's not obvious and very visible on the pictures, I can tell you from the backstage that the techniques of coloring and editing my pictures improved pretty much to me, I learned new things again and the whole process goes more and more smoothly to me. So the improvement is more technical than anything, my face proportions changed more again, I think this is the most visible change in my pictures compared to the previous two years. i used to draw very wide mouth and the faces always looked very young and almost child-like, a bit too round and you know, cute. Now I'm drawing more mature features and it is more natural to me, but yeah it's all still pretty much manga style so I guess it's only me who notices such things really. Oh and I think my naked male bodies improved some too? They are not so stiff and skinny anymore (I mean not when I'm not planning to make them so lol) and there's some more flesh under their skin I guess, I think this is the main thing that idly improves on my pictures now, slowly with every next picture. And sex scenes are getting better too LOL

ANYWAY new year resolutions, yeah? So the ones related with art are:

- I'M GONNA PRINT... S-SOMETHING anything man, just to fucking print it, because the years are passing, my art is pretty much so-so already so it would be nice to make some prints yeah? I dream about making an artbook one day, but it's a big thing, yeah?  So maybe something smaller for now, maybe calendar or just small things like postcards or posters I DK I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START WITH THIS SHIT but I have so many ideas guys, SO MANY FANTASTIC IDEAS SOB AND I WOULD LIKE TO START SELLING MY STUFF ON CONVENTIONS BUT JFC HOW DO YOU DO IT I DON'T EVEN somebody help me plz

- SO! COMICS RIGHT? I am really going to start working on it next year,. I even started now already, have few pages, have characters and everything, I just struggle with plot, cause I won't really want to make a complete pwp smut of it and since it's fantasy setting, of course there has to be some war, has to be some mysterious magic power and gods and fucking everything and I can't really have a moment to think about it. BUT I DEFINITELY AND ABSOLUTELY GOING TO START WORKING ON MY COMIC AND FUCK YOU UNIVERSE I'M GONNA MAKE IT!

- I'm gonna make my website AND WOW THIS THING IS ALREADY STARTED YOU KNOW PRETTY MUCH WOOHOO so it's more like I'll finish it and make it open for everyone. Yes. Definitely.

- I'm going to register my small business, to make everything official and such AND MAKE IT ALL PRO LOL no but really, I have everything in order and planned, so it's just a matter of plan. In last two years I observed the whole freelance and commission thing, how it works and how much a person can make from this kind of business and I must say that the things are looking promising and I'm very optimistic about it. So yeah I believe everything's going to be fine.

And now excuse me when I'll get back to parting hard, I'll see you in the next year and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE :iconsatoshiwaveplz:


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


monkeymaruko :
Do you like K-Pop and especially the handsome koreans you can see from the multiple bands ?


I don’t listen to a lot of K-Pop but I do like Ma Boy by SISTAR19, from what I see on my dash they are pretty fit ;)

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Reiner Braun

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More Varrlin~!

This one is a collaboration between me and RoteLola
I did the sketch and lineart and he colored it beautifully!

De yummy-yaoi - Post original



Seishun Lovers (coloured pages)

by Nekotsuki Izumi

Click Here to see the full doujinshi

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


Bertolt Hoover x Reiner Braun

De yummy-yaoi - Post original

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